SPoM - Developer's log 11


Well... not much to say about the game now...

You probably abruptly stood from your chair, swearing and spilling your coffee all over your keyboard and monitor - but calm down! All is good!

The game is good... in fact it is so good it will be released by the end of the year, it will have more levels than expected and it will be... MAGNIFICENT!

So, don't despair, but rejoice!

All of you who have downloaded it from here will have it for free. The rest of the public will need to buy it.
But let's be honest - what is the price of a masterpiece? Can its value be expressed in coins? In bills? In valuables?
This game will always be a bargain, regardless of the price attached to it!




Level 4 is done, a lot of improvements all around are done too, aaaand prologue is added.

But don't tell a soul!

Get Saving Princess of Mars

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